About me

Hello there! I’m Steven van Beek, a dedicated professional currently residing in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. By day, I’m immersed in the dynamic world of technology, serving as a Device Management Consultant at Conclusion Enablement.

Over the past few years at Conclusion, I’ve honed my skills and expertise in crafting, implementing, and maintaining Microsoft Intune solutions. Specializing in the modern workplace, I’ve taken charge of managing policies and architecture utilizing Microsoft Intune. Guiding clients through seamless transitions to the modern workplace has been both my passion and my profession.

My journey involves staying ahead of the curve, constantly exploring new trends and developments within the realm of the modern workplace. Armed with this knowledge, I’ve advised clients on intricate issues and aided them in crafting and executing robust security policies for their workspace and data.

If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to connect, feel free to reach out. I’m always eager to engage in discussions and exchange ideas. Thank you for taking the time to learn about my journey and expertise.

I’m Steven

Welcome to van Beek Cloud, your online hub devoted to all things Office 365, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Defender, and more. Here, I welcome you to embark innovation, expertise, and all things tech with a sprinkle of passion. Let’s dive into the digital realm!

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